09 Feb Application and Functions of Green Wall
The green wall becomes more and more popular so as to people are also curious about its applications and functions. To these two aspects, we would like to say something to make you know more about it.
Ideal places for the installation of green walls
In a city, buildings in reinforced concrete structure can be seen here and there, some places like sides of overpass and road can be installed those impressive appealing green walls. Although natural plants cant be grown under the bridge piers, a vertical garden is very suitable for such places. It can not only beautify the cement area but also increase the area of urban greening. Especially in somewhere, there are many cars and people, a vertical garden can reduce noise to a certain degree, absorb carbon dioxide, photosynthesize as well as reduce heat through evaporation. What’s more, its widely used in hotels, restaurants, shop window display and perfect for house fences, patios and balconies.
The main function of green walls. It can absorb dust and particles floating in the air and purification toxic gases. Most of all, vertical garden purified phenol causing respiratory infection and anaphylaxis since there is too much chemical decoration. Meanwhile, it can help to release peoples living pressure and promotes city life civilization by reducing noise. With the lifelike appearance, few care and maintenance, artificial green walls entertain people as the same as real natural plants do, so you can see, artificial hedges for green wall plays a great role in beautifying our living environment and making healthier life which is extremely essential for us.